Annapurna Tilicho is the admirable trek destination by many visitors of Nepal. Tilicho lake is the only lake situated at the highest altitude of 4990 m). This trek is extended part of Annapurna Circuit trek. 

To reach Tilkicho, from Khansar we will continue our journey towards Tilicho base camp.  We will reach Tilicho base camp after walking 7 hours. Here we have to stay overnight at tented camp/lodge. Next day morning we will walk towards high camp, on the way we will explore Tilicho lake (5200 m) (highest lake in the world) surrounded by Annapurna range. After walking 8 hours we will reach high camp, here we will stay at tented camp. Next day morning we will walk towards Yak Kharka after crossing Tilicho Pass.

Trip Itinerary Highlights
  • Day 01 Arrival in Kathmandu
  • Day 02 Kathmandu – Besisahar – Dharapani (1860 m) – 9/10 hours
  • Day 03 Dharapani – Chame (2670 m) – 6 hours
  • Day 04 Chame – Upper Pisang (3300 m) – 6 hours
  • Day 05 Pisang – Manang (3540 m) – 7 hours
  • Day 06 Acclimatization day in Manang (3540 m)
  • Day 07 Manang - Khangsar – Sri Kharka (4080 m) - 4/5 hours
  • Day 08 Sri Kharka - Tilicho Base Camp (4150 m) - 5 hours
  • Day 09 Tilicho Base Camp – Tilicho Lake (4990 m) – Sri Kharka (4080 m) - 6/7 hours
  • Day 10 Sri Kharka - Yak Kharka (4018 m) – 4/5 hours
  • Day 11 Yak Kharka - Thorong Phedi (4450 m) – 4.5 hours
  • Day 12 Thorong Phedi – Thorong La (5416 m) – Muktinath (3760 m) – 8/9 hours
  • Day 13 Muktinath - Jomsom (2700 m) - 6/7 hours
  • Day 14 Jomsom – Pokhara (820 m)
  • Day 15 Pokhara
  • Day 16 Pokhara – Kathmandu (1350 m)
  • Day 17 Free day in Kathmandu
  • Day 18 Departure from Kathmandu
  • NOTE The itinerary can be customized according to your duration of holiday. Similarly, hotel can be upgraded or downgraded depending on your requirement.
View All Itinerary
Trip itinerary

Upon arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu, you will be greeted by our correspondent who will assist with your transfer to the hotel. Once checked in, we will arrange a pre-trip meeting where we will brief in short about the trek, answer any queries you have and meet your trekking guide as well. After the short brief, you can relax and spend rest of the day at your leisure.
Stay overnight at the Hotel / Resort in Kathmandu.

This day we will prepare to begin our journey from city of temples, Kathmandu to village of majestic Himalayas, Annapurna. Today’s whole journey will be drive from Kathmandu to Dharapani via Besisahar which takes about 9-10 hours (220 km). We will change the vehicle from Besisahar and drive in local private jeep for next 3-4 hours journey in mountain road till Dharapani.

We will enjoy the scenic and adventurous ride to Dharapani as the road lies along the bank of Marsyangdi River thorugh Syange and continues with a short and steep climb to one of the beautiful villages of Tal (an ancient glacier lake) before we reach Dharpani. From Besisahar we can see local village people, small villages, spectacular waterfalls on the way to Dharapani.

Stay overnight at lodge in Dharapani. 

This day we will have breakfast in the morning and then begin the trek to Chame which takes about 6 hours (approx. 16km).

Today on the first day of our trek, we will follow some straight and some ascending trials (mostly road route) and other side we can see pine, oak forest, and maple trees. We will be walking alongside Marsyangdi River. Also, we get to explore Tibetan settlements, Chortens, prayer flags, apple farms on the way as we pass through Bagarchhap and Danakyu. We will pass through the beautiful villages like: Timang (route from Namum Bhanjyang trek) and Koto (route connecting to Nar-Phu Trek). We will have lunch camp in Timang.

With that as we reach Chame, we can see beautiful views of Lamjung Himal (7000m), Mount Manaslu and Annapurna II and (8156m). Chame is the headquarter of Manang district. There are shops and stores here in Chame, if anyone wants to buy any equipment, medicine or any essentials required for the trek.

Stay overnight at lodge in Chame. 


**It is also possible to drive upto Manag on this day from Besisahar which takes about 8-9 hours from Besisahar. This will reduce the 2 trek days. However, we recommend to trek from Dharapani as it will be better for acclimatization as we will be trekking to higher altitude.

This day we will have breakfast in the morning and begin to trek towards Pisang which takes about 6 hours.

Today, we will walk straight ascending trial (mostly road trial) along the pine and rhododendron forest along the small and rocky ways. On the way we will pass through Bhratang village (2850m), where we can explore apple farm and also observe Gurung community (one of the ethnic groups of Nepal). From here crossing suspension bridge of Marshyangdi River we will reach Dhikur Pokhari (3060m) which will be our lunch camp. From here we can enjoy beautiful view of Annapurna II, Pisang Peak, Tililcho Pek, Chulu Peak, and so on. Also, we can see amazing view of Pangdi Danda & Swargadwari Danda which is considered sacred by local people. 

After having lunch in Dhikur Pokhari we will walk another straight trial to reach Upper Pisang which takes another 2 hours. As we reach Upper Pisang we can see mesmerizing views of Annapurna Range. Also, we can explore around mani walls, monastery and observe local Tibetan Gurung people around the village.

Stay overnight at lodge in Upper Pisang.  

This day we will have breakfast in the morning and head towards Manang which takes about 7 hours. Today we will be trekking via upper trials passing through the villages: Ghyaru, Humde, Ngawal and Braga to reach Manang. On the way, we will explore mani walls, Tibetan people, Buddhist culture, Monasteries, apple farms and amazing views of Himalayas.

We will walk some straight ascending and uphill trial along the alpine forest until we reach Ghyaru village (3570m) which takes about 3 hours. Ghyaru is a beautiful village with the local settlement of Tibetan Gurung and from here we can see mesmerizing view of Mount Manaslu, Pisang Peak, Gangapurna, Tilicho Peak and Annapurna Range. 

Walking another 2 hours we will reach another beautiful town Ngawal (3660m) which will be our lunch camp. In mean time, we can explore Buddhist monastery and observe their culture and beautiful settlement around Ngawal.

After lunch, we move forward some descending and straight trial and reach Braga (3439m). We will explore Munhci Gompa and see Braga Gompa which is believed to be 900 years old. This place is believed to be historic settlement of Tibetan residential people.

From Braga, walking straight trails we will reach our destination of the day, Manang.

Stay overnight at lodge in Manang.   

This day will be the day of acclimatization to prepare our body for high elevation. Also, we can explore around beautiful Manang on this day. 

We have different options today to explore around Manang, i.e. to go Gangapurna Glacier (3 hours) or Milarepa Cave (6 hours) or Ice Lake (8 hours).

En route to Gangapurna Glacier we can see Gangapurna Lake, and from the top lower view of Manang village, Tanki Manang, 100 Lama Monastery and top of Ice Lake. The whole journey will be of 3 hours. This route is quite popular amongst tourists as it is short and best for acclimatization.

We can also explore one of the historic Milarepa cave which is believed to be 300 years old. The route is opposite to Ice Lake from Braga. From the cave, we can also see the views of Himalayas.

From Ice Lake, also known as Kicho Tal which lies at the elevation of 4600 m, as we reach Ice Lake, we can see Ice Lake and see magnificent close view of Annapurna Range, Pisang Peak, Thorang Peak, Tilicho Peak, Mount Manaslu, Chulu Peaks and so on. If we want to explore Ice Lake, we have to take pack lunch from Manang as we will be going uphill almost 1000m. And as there are no lodges en route we return back to Manang, the whole trip will be of almost 8 hours.

Stay overnight at lodge in Manang.   

This day we will have breakfast in morning and then trek towards Sri Kharka which takes about 4-5 hours via Khangsar. Today’s trek will be quite shorter as well as not so difficult and we will reach Sri Kharka in lunch camp.

We begin the trek by taking the upper route, cross the river and then continue the trek along the coniferous forests. After about 3 hours of trek, we will reach Khangsar village which is local settlement of Tibetan people of Manang. On the way to Sri Kharka, we will pass through another monastery and also start to see beautiful views of Mount Chulu and Gungan Himalayas. Upon arrival in Sri Kharka, we will have lunch and rest for the remaining day.
Stay overnight at lodge in Sri Kharka.

This day we will have breakfast in the morning and trek towards Tilicho Base Camp which takes about 5 hours.

Today we will reach Tilicho Base camp after passing through landslide-prone areas. As we trek along the landslide prone zone, we can see impressive rock formations and some amazing views of Tilicho Peak and other Himalayas. After crossing landslide area we will walk on the rocky trial Tilicho Base Camp.

Stay overnight at lodge in Tilicho Base Camp.

Today will be one of the important days of the trek, this day we will go to explore most beautiful as well as the lake situated at the highest altitude, Tilicho Lake. Tilicho Lake was also recognized by a well-known French expedition team as “The Great Ice Lake”. The lake also holds a significance in Hinduism and has been mentioned in Ramayan, one of the holiest books of Hindu. Also, some of the trekkers would do MESOKANTA PASS and continue the trek to Jomsom.

We will wake up in early morning to avoid the afternoon breeze and then hike on steep trial for about 3-4 hours and reach Tilicho Lake. We will enjoy the stunning views of Tilicho Lake, and mesmerizing views of Tilicho Peak, Ananapurna Range and Nilgiri Peak from the lake.

We will enjoy for a while and then begin to descend back from Tilicho Lake to Base Camp. We will have breakfast in the base camp and then prepare to return back to Sri Kharka in another 3 hours along the descending trials.  On the way back we can also get to see Himalayan yaks, blue sheep and so on.

Stay overnight at lodge in Sri Kharka.

This day we will have breakfast in the morning and then prepare to head towards Yak Kharka which takes about 4/5 hours.

We will begin the trek from Sri Kharka by walking straight rocky and coniferous trial and after few hours we will be walking ascending trial enjoying the beautiful views of Annapurna Range, Chulu West, Tanki Manang, Pisang Peak and so on on the way. Again, from the top hill we start to descend for about 1 hour and cross Marsyangdi River wooden bridge and again walking another 1 hour we will reach Yak Kharka.

Stay overnight at lodge in Yak Kharka.

Today we head to the foot of Thorong La pass, Thorong Phedi. This day we will have breakfast in the morning and prepare to begin our trek to Thorang Phedi which takes about 4.5 hours. As we will be climbing high altitude, we will walk slowly, taking rest.

From Yak Kharka, we will climb up to a ridge till we reach Ledar (4200m), then descend down and cross the Marsyangdi river on a wooden bridge. Then after we climb uphill for about 40 minutes and reach small tea shop. We will rest here for a while and enjoy the scenery.

Now, we begin to follow a narrow trail across a slope and descend to Thorong Phedi. Thorong Phedi is not a village, it is a rugged terrain with lodges and lush lowland.

Stay overnight at lodge in Thorang Phedi.     

Today is one of the important and memorable day of the trek, as we will be crossing one of the highest passes of the world. Early morning we will have breakfast and then begin to trek towards our next destination Muktinath via Thorong La Pass which takes about 8-9 hours.

At beginning we will climb steep uphill till we reach High Camp and from there we will walk zig zag trial till we reach small tea shop and then again walking straight ascending trial we will reach Thorang La Pass in about 4.5 hours.

Thorang La Pass is one of the most challenging as well as the highest pass in the world. From the top of the pass, if weather is clear, we can see breathtaking views of Mustang Range, Dhaulagiri Range, Thorang Peak, Nilgiri Himal and so on. We will celebrate our success and take pictures here and with all the memories we will begin to descend towards Mustang region of Nepal.

From the pass, we will walk total steep descending trial for 2.30 hours and reach Phedi and have lunch here. We will rest for a while and again prepare to walk descending trial for another 1.5 hours until we reach Muktinath. 

Muktinath is a religious temple which lies in the Mustang district of Nepal. Muktinath is a sacred temple for Hindu as well as Buddhists. Buddhist people name Muktinath as Chumig Gyatsa (meaning: the hundred springs). While for Hindu people Muktinath means lord of Liberation (mokshya). This it is one of the most important religious places for Hindu and it is believed that taking bath in 108 stone sprouts will give individual salvation from the bad deeds they have done during their lifetime. Also, here lies the statue of Lord Buddha, statue of Guru Padmasava and Buddhist thanka. Also inside, we can see the eternal flame which has been burning for mote than 2000 years.

Stay overnight at lodge Muktinath.     

This day we will visit Muktinath temple in the morning and then return back to lodge and have breakfast. Then after we will trek towards Jomsom which takes about 6-7 hours. We have 2 options for today, i.e to trek or drive to Jomsom.

We will trek today on non-vehicle route, i.e Muktinath – Lubra Pass – Lupra – Thini - Jomsom. We will have lunch in Lupra village which is an old settlement of Thakali people (one of the ethnic groups of Nepal). This is a beautiful Thakali village where we can explore around Bonpo Gompa, village school and meet local people of Lower Mustang.

From Lupra walking another 2 hours along the straight trials and crossing wooden bridge and then following road trial along the bank of Kali Gandaki River we will reach Jomsom via Thini village.

On the way to Jomsom we will also explore another beautiful Thakali village, Thini. From the village we can see the beautiful views of Niligiri and Dhaulagiri range. As we walk along the Mustang trial, we can experience dry landscape and strong wind as we get close to Jomsom.

Jomsom is the headquarter of Mustang district.

Stay overnight at lodge Muktinath.     


*It is also possible to drive from Muktinath to Jomsom which takes about 1.5 hours. En route we can explore around Jharkot Monastery, Kagbeni village (one of the ancient village with settlement of Tibetan people) and reach Jomsom. Next day, flight to Pokhara via Jomsom airport.

**If client do not want to return via flight, then it is possible to drive from Muktinath – Pokhara (175km) on same day which takes about 7 hours drive.

*** If client want to explore Upper Mustang, then we can hire private jeep and do the Upper Mustang Tour from Muktinath – Ghami village – Lo Mustang – Jomsom (another 4 days).

This day we will have breakfast in early morning and then prepare to fly Pokhara. There is only early morning flight, i.e 6 – 9 am in the morning from Jomsom to Pokhara. We will take 25 minutes flight from Jomsom to Pokhara.

During rainy season and in case of bad weather we have other options to drive from Jomsom to Pokhara which takes about 6 hours. On the way to Pokhara via private jeep we can explore beautiful destinations of Lower Mustang like: Marpa (monastery, apple farm, white houses), Lete (beautiful mountain views), Tatopani (hot spring), Beni, Kusma and then reach Pokhara. On the way to Pokhara we will also pass through the biggest Kaligandaki Gorge. After arrival in Pokhara we can rest in the hotel.

Stay overnight at the Hotel / Resort in Pokhara.

Pokhara is a beautiful city of lakes with amazing views of mountains. We can visit the beautiful Fewa Lake, Tal Barahi temple located in between Fewa Lake, Gupteshore Cave, David Fall, Seti Gorge, Pokhara International Mountaineering Museum, Bindabasini Temple and Tibetan Refugee Camp while we are in Pokhara.

Or we can go for spa / sound bath / zip line / paragliding / hot air ballon ride / bungee jump and so on activities while we are in Pokhara.

Stay overnight at the Hotel / Resort in Pokhara.

This day after having breakfast at the hotel, we will prepare to return back to Kathmandu. Again, we will have three options (flight / private vehicle / tourist bus) to return back to Kathmandu. We can choose the favorable option and return back to Kathmandu. It takes 25 minutes by flight, 7-8 hours by private vehicle and 9 hours by tourist bus to reach Kathmandu from Pokhara.
Stay overnight at Hotel / Resort in Kathmandu.

This day will be free day in Kathmandu for UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE sightseeing / mountain flight to see beautiful views of Everest range and so on..

  • Boudhanath: One of the largest stupas in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Pashupatinath: A sacred Hindu temple complex on the banks of the Bagmati River.
  • Bhaktapur Durbar Square: One of the major heritage sites with unique architect, ancient monastery, ethnic Newari culture and heritage.

Stay overnight at Hotel / Resort in Kathmandu.

Enjoy your last day in Kathmandu before departure. At your scheduled departure time, our correspondent will pick you up from the hotel, transfer you to the airport, and bid you farewell with warm hearts.

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